Tuesday, 1 November 2011

So Which Me Are We Saying This Is?

To be absolutely honest, the "It's me!" theme took some time to resonate - not because I don't believe in it, but because one of my secret fears always has been that there is perhaps- more than one me- that my personality splits right midway (or quarter way) into four or five distinct personas based on who I am with at the moment.
Being a scientist, (and a natural skeptic), I decided to put this theory to test by asking four or five near and dear people to write to me telling me who they thought I was, and to see whether these coalesce in some way.
Here are some of the responses I got:

Mama Grizzlee:
Grizzlee, you have always been a hard working young boy - the most responsible of the huge brood of cousins you have, and always had that frightful temper. As you've grown older you have become more and more independent, to the extent that I sometimes worry about you. Do you still write those lovely little poems- ohh what a sensitive soul you were when you were younger! Don't forget to call me this Saturday- you always do!!!

Cuddly McDonald (Grizzlee's Roommate and Partner-in-Crime in College):
Ohh Grizzlee!!! Boy, did we spend a crazy three years together!! When I was not worrying about waking up to somehow get to classes, it always amazed me how you managed to pull things together at the last minute and never miss a deadline! And do you remember that one time I threw coffee over your assignment- man, you really flew off the handle that day!!! Even if you no longer spend your evenings under the window of (name redacted), I hope you still strum those lovely Beatles songs when you're free from work!!
By the way, mail me sometimes, dude, its been ages!!!

Griz Von Gristopherson (Grizzlee's multi millionaire ex-boss)
Ahh Grizzlee!! I remember teaching that young boy everything he knows when he was still a little green behind the ears (and all over , to be fair). Nice chap- stayed to himself, worked hard, and didn't ask too many questions. Preferred working on his own instead of in a team, to be honest! And boy, could he hold his drink!! There was something about him- how he was so empathetic and good at listening- that I always took the chance and sent him to meet an irate customer! I wonder if he still keeps that old blog of his, the one with stories about the corporate world!!
And let's connect on LinkedIn some day, young man! Are you ever even online?

Well, that was weird. I always thought I was the life of the party when in college ("yes you were- just not quite as exciting as you like to believe you were"- C McD) but turns out I have been the same person all along- driven by deadlines, independent, responsible- and apparently- terrible at staying in touch!! (I am so boring, I bore myself even as I am writing this). I have always had an extra curricular which has been an escape, and clearly, this is a hobby I discard every season!!
And my mother- bless her old heart- was not kidding about my temper!!

So what does this mean- that however much we pretend, the underlying "me" doesn't really change?? That barring the process of growing up, and masking our emotions better, we remain the same person??
Why then, do we attempt to hide it in a resume!! Might as well own up to it - warts (or fur) and all!!
Time to stop pretending and start shouting from the rooftop- Its Me??

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