I distinctly remember planning to set out on this trip we fondly called "Bharat Darshan" which morphed into what we call the It's Me! Tour. Today, just one city down, my heart is racing.
Mangalore, was such a shock to our system (And I mean shock in a good way) that as a team we've been knocked out of our senses.
Let's be honest here, we're a team of entrepreneurs, we don't enjoy the financial stability of the big guys, and we've been braving some pretty tough times. Times of doubt, times of trial just testing our will to push through with our vision. Ever since we started to get Look Beyond Resumes on it's feet earlier this year, nothing has come easy.
The struggle in itself is a joy, and today, after visiting Mangalore, I can tell you this much. There isn't a shadow of a doubt left in my mind about the value in what Look Beyond Resumes is attempting to do.
The hows and whys of this transformation you will hear about soon. As of now I'm a believer, a believer of the fact that the world needs better and that what we are doing can help change lives for the better.
And for this, Thank You Mangalore. You will always be a fond memory in my life.
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