At LookBeyondResumes, our patron saint Grizzlee- who is Green (but not Irish, and no, not with jealousy), gets asked many a difficult questions by job seekers and team builders. We have decided to compile some of his best answers for you every Friday- and share, so that you too may bask in Grizzlee's glow, and learn from his many many years of wisdom.
Dear Grizzlee, I love cooking and eating and want to be a world class chef one day. However whichever restaurant I go to for an interview, they ask me for my 12th standard marks! Is that fair??
- Foodie McDonald
Dear Foodie,
Grizzlee looks forward to eating your famous butter chicken and a large slice of carrot cake in your own restaurant some day! Unfortunately, many employers in the world are still looking for artificial means to measure somebody's competence. How many times have you asked for a Chef's degree certificate after a particularly wonderful meal? No, that's not fair, and change is coming slowly. In the meantime,for your next interview, we recommend you take along a platter of your best recipe to impress the employer and knock him off his socks!! If you have some left overs mail them to the address provided on our website, and we will give you a sterling reference (;))
Yo Grizz! (Can I call you Grizz?) I sent my resume to at least 500 HR Managers last night in a mail- but no one has called me yet. Why do you think that is?
- Mr. BCC
Only my mother and great aunt Glenda are allowed to call me Grizz, BCC. However, coming back to your question- 500 HR MANAGERS at one go? That is NOT a good idea. I recommend sitting down, and thinking about what it is you really want to do. Think about what it is about yourself that you would like to present to the world and then write -individually- to the few people who can help. What organizations look for more than anything else is a clarity of vision and thought, and when you send the same mail to 500 people you are indirectly telling them you don't know what you want to do.
So take a deep breath, start your job hunt again (this time with perhaps just 10 employers), and don't EVER use bcc again!!
Dear Grizzlee, I notice you use Rajnikanth as an example very often when talking of someone who succeeded without a resume. I would like you to know that Rajnikanth succeeded only because Megastar Chiranjeevi doesn't know any Tamil!
-Disgruntled Chiru Fan
Dear Disgruntled Chiru Fan
At Look Beyond Resumes we stand by our view that Rajnikanth is one of the coolest men on the planet. Nobody can light a cigarette or wear his sunglasses with quite the panache that he does. But we admit that your boy Chiru is a better dancer, and has a certain charm about him. If you still want to continue this discussion with other Chiru (and Rajni, and Big B) lovers, then hop on to our discussion forum and carry on!
Dear Grizzlee, I don't understand it. I hire only from the best engineering colleges, I pay more than my competitors by 20%, and my office coffee machine has 6 different flavor settings. But people leave every day from my company anyway. Why is that?
Hola BossMan!! I feel your pain, all those smart Tier I institute types who enjoy your hospitality and mocha-latte-cappu-cinnos and buy their first Ferraris with your money, just don't want to stay. Have you considered hiring for the role instead- looking for people who match your vision more than those who have the right degree? I am sure that will work!! Surely an organization that can provide 6 different types of coffee can make space for a little variety in people!! Hire people who seem right, and not people who come from the right institutes alone- am positive they will have coffee with you for much longer!!
Thats all we have time for in this edition!! Have a question for Grizzlee? Write it in the comments below or on our Facebook page so that Grizzlee can answer them next Friday!!
Until then, Cheers
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